Sunday, November 12, 2006 |
Has you got the perfect face for comedy? |
Some comedians put their faith in punchlines or razor-sharp one-liners, while others believe timing is everything. But, when it comes to making people laugh, the answer could be staring them in the face.
Research has shown the key to comedy is skin deep, with the most successful comedians having similar facial features.
一些喜剧演员认为,妙语或者俏皮话是他们搞笑的秘诀,还有些人认为抖包袱时机的掌握是关键。不过,英国《每日邮报》10 日报道的一项最新研究表明,达到喜剧效果的关键恰恰在于演员的面孔,许多成功的喜剧明星都有着相似的“喜剧相”。当然,应该说明的是,专家研究的都是欧美 笑星,亚洲人可能还有自己的标准。
To make us smile before they even start to speak, a comic should have a round face, small forehead, wide nose and big lips. Large eyes and high cheekbones add to the laughter factor. Psychologist Dr Anthony Little believes that Ricky Gervais, star of Extras and The Office, has the perfect comedy face, with a combination of features that win over the audience before he cracks his first joke. Dr Little, an expert in how we perceive facial features, said: "The features most likely to mark out male comedians for success are predominately soft and feminine." "The characteristics of a feminine face imply that the person may be agreeable and co-operative, which can be causal in our first imporessions of comedians as being friendly and funny." "In the same way that infants are pre-programmed to respond to the warmth and approachability of a mother's face, soft feminine features put us at ease and encourage us to relax." "This is conducive to laughter and enjoyment." The University of Stirling psychologist studied the facial features of 20 of our favourite comics, including Peter Kay, Lee Evans, Jack Dee, Jimmy Carr, Tommy Cooper, Harry Hill and Ricky Gervais. After looking for common characteristics such as round faces and large eyes, he morphed their features together to create a composite image representing the perfect comedy face. A mixture of the features of many individuals, the computer-generated face most closely resembled that of Ricky Gervais. Dr Little then looked outside the world of comedy, to see which public figures might make it on the comedy circuit, should the day job not work out. Strong candidates for a life of stand-up include David Cameron and Wayne Rooney. The Tory leader's round, wide face, large eyes and soft features make him an almost perfect contender, said Dr Little, who was commissioned by the comedy club chain Jongleurs. And while Manchester United player Wayne Rooney has an angular and masculine jaw, these are offset by a round face and snub nose, with the overall effect a boyish appearance which is approachable rather than threatening. Actor Daniel Craig, the new James Bond, is a good example of someone who conveys both humour and heroism in a single glance. Dr Little said: "Daniel Craig's face is closer to that of a heroic actor than that of a comedian, yet it does possess some feminine aspects." "He is well-suited to play Bond since it's a role that demands a little spoof and light-heartedness as well as dashing masculine heroism." "It is likely, however, that a comedian would struggle to play a heroic role convincingly." "Due to their appearance, it would be difficult for them to appear believable in situations where dominance and powerful sincerity is important." "Daniel Craig would be a flop as Bond if he possessed all the face for comedy traits." He added: "Having found the perfect face for comedy, there may be a perfect face for business and so on." "There is great potential for further research." 研究发现,要想在开口讲话之前就能让观众发笑,笑星的长相应当是窄额头、宽鼻梁、厚嘴唇。此外,大眼睛和高颧骨也是搞笑的利器。
利特尔说:“对男性喜剧演员来说,他们的制胜法宝是拥有一副温和、阴柔之美的面孔。”利特尔认为,婴儿对温柔、容易接近的母亲形象有一种与生俱来的亲切 感。温柔的女性形象让人们感到轻松、自在,“同样,带有女性特征的长相能给人以和蔼、易于合作的感觉,还能给人留下友好、搞笑的第一印象。” 英国斯特林大学的心理学家对深受人们喜爱的20名喜剧演员进行研究分析。
不过,利特尔说,这些带喜剧相的演员演起英雄角色来可能有些吃力。由于他们的特殊长相,在需要权威性和真诚感的表演中,他们不容易让人信服。 Catalogs: Walk for Fun Technorati Tags: laugh, comedy, research, comic, rooney
Labels: comedy, comic, fun, laugh, research
posted by xingyan @ 6:40 PM |
Obidos Chocolate Festival 2006 |
From the 2nd to the 12th of November the International Chocolate Festival was held in the Vila of Óbidos ( about 30 min from Lisbon).
Dedicated to all things chocolaty, this fun festival is a chocoholics dream and features a raft of events for chocolate-lovers of all ages.
Aside from the judging of such mouth-watering competitions as the International Chocolate Recipe and the International Chocolatier of the Year contests, visitors can also see some incredible chocolate sculptures that really need to be seen to be believed; sculpted items in the past have ranged from ancient Egyptian kingdoms and ornate castles to full-blown fashion shows complete with dresses and accessories made entirely of chocolate.
Visitors can also enrol on a chocolate cooking master class to hone their creative cooking skills. And for anyone that was starting to panic thinking it was all about looking and not eating the stuff, rest assured there are plenty of opportunities to buy tasty products ranging from handmade bonbons to huge bars of pure chocolate.
For details please visit official website.
Technorati Tags: blog, chocolate, cooking, festivalLabels: chocolate, festival, fun, international Read more! |
posted by xingyan @ 3:28 AM |
Friday, November 10, 2006 |
The Inverted Jenny |
Hundreds of thousands of dollars, that's the value of a 1918 Inverted Jenny, a 1918 airmail issue that shows a Curtiss JN-4 biplane (known as a “Jenny”) flying upside down, one of the rarest stamps in the world, which Broward County, Fla., elections officials said was affixed to an envelope containing an absentee ballot.
The stamp, similar to one that sold in mint condition for $525,000 last year, was canceled. So was the ballot, which contained no clue to the identity of the voter. The mystery unfolded at the elections office Tuesday, when County Commissioner John Rodstrom, a member of the county's Canvassing Board, noticed an unusual stamp on a large white envelope holding an absentee ballot.
A former stamp collector, Rodstrom immediately recognized the unmistakable blue and red image of an upside-down biplane: the Inverted Jenny. "It's very rare, it was in all of the stamp books," he said. "Only so many of these came off the presses."
美国官员11月10日称,在美国国会中期选举中,佛罗里达州的一位选民无意中在投寄选票的信封上贴上了一枚“倒置的珍妮”邮票。 面值为24美分的“倒置的珍妮”,是美国1918年发行的第一枚航空邮票。 由于印刷错误,邮票中的“柯蒂斯·珍妮―4H”飞机图案印倒,使之成为珍贵的错体邮票,每枚价值至少50万美元。
posted by xingyan @ 9:39 PM |
Upcoming Roq La Rue Show |
Lowbrow or lowbrow art is probably the most widely used name describing an underground visual art movement that arose in the Los Angeles, California , area in the late 1970s. Lowbrow is a widespread populist art movement with origins in the underground comix world, punk music, hot-rod street culture and other California Subcultures. It is also often known by the name pop surrealism.
Roq La Rue Gallery, an integral part of the Lowbrow/Pop Surrealism art movement since opening in 1998, has an upcoming "Retrorama" show in Seattle, with works by Wednesday Kirwan, Chris Reccardi, Lynne Naylor, Johnny Yanok, and me. The opening party is Friday November 10th from 6-9pm.
posted by xingyan @ 5:06 AM |
Mercury Transits Sun 水星凌日 |
On Wednesday, Nov 8, the planet Mercury passed directly in front the Sun. What did it look like? Have you seen ? Astronomers in the Americas, East Asia and Oceania have been enjoying a rare opportunity to see Mercury pass in a direct line across the Sun.
Good views could also be seen from Americas, Hawaii, Australia, along the Pacific Rim. The transit began at 2:12 p.m. EST (11:12 a.m. PST) and lasted for almost five hours. With a proper filter or a spacecraft and a little imagination, the Transit of Mercury is a marvelous experience.
The previous Mercury transit was in 2003; the next will be on 9 May 2016. Read more! |
posted by xingyan @ 3:29 AM |
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 |
Mobile Movie |
如果你认为把一些影片压缩、转换,再下载到手机中播放,就算是手机电影的话,那么很不幸,你已经过时了。现在人们所说的手机电影,其实指的是用手机拍摄、播放并传播的新的电影形式。 在法国巴黎的蓬皮杜现代艺术中心,世界上最大规模的手机电影节吸引了众多手机电影爱好者。目前,已经有8500人观看了公开放映的近100部短片和三部长片。 手机电影是最经济、最易操作,最贴近普通人的一种电影形式,它打破了传统电影产业模式,使任何人都可拍属于自己的影片。 法国手机电影节的主办者又将手机电影称为“口袋电影”。手机的小巧使它成为最便于携带的拍摄工具,它能让拍摄者随时随地透过镜头观察身边的世界,捕捉每个精彩瞬间。同时,人们可以更多地依照自己的想法去驾驭拍摄过程,轻松实现自己的电影理念。 我自己也去电影节网站上看了几部片子,类型多样,画质还不错,内容也有不同特点。推荐你也去逛逛,或许你也会找到拍摄灵感哦。
Official Website Link
posted by xingyan @ 8:24 AM |
Avril Lavigne |
好久没有了解到 Avril Lavigne 的动向,想不到已经结婚了。呵呵,怪不得没有新歌问世,原来忙于自己的婚姻。他的新婚丈夫还没我帅呀!
刚开始听她的歌时就喜欢上了她,我可是她的忠实粉丝。年纪轻轻,却才华横溢。小姑娘比我厉害。她的声线不算另类和突出,但她的演唱豪迈、奔放、热情、自我,一首 I'm With You 彻底俘虏了我的耳朵,百听不厌,每一遍都有不同的味道。
I love VV.
posted by xingyan @ 4:16 AM |
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 |
天使 |
天使,英文名Angle,意思是使者,希伯来文。 圣经种不同的天使名称: 耶和华(上帝,雅威,YHWH)的使者 智天使(Cherub) 炽天使(Seraph),传说有六只羽翼,其内容只在《以赛亚书》中提及。 还有一些不再列举。 六道轮回,由下而上分别是: 地狱道 畜生道 饿鬼道 阿修罗道 人道 天道
posted by xingyan @ 6:35 PM |
Monday, November 06, 2006 |
Orange Ball |
日本只有的Orange Ball. 圆圆的,色彩斑斓,每家银行与邮局的Teller has two at their booth。便利店里的职员更是“全副武装”。它们到底是用来做什么的呢 ?
The all-purpose tool for handling any I’ve-dropped-my-*insert item here*-on-the-tracks situations at Japanese train stations is : 原来这些Orange Ball是一种大众化的防范各种犯罪行为的工具,奇怪吗 ?
如果你还不知道如何正确使用,不妨看一下这段视频,建议使用QuickTime,Orange Ball
posted by xingyan @ 8:32 PM |
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky |
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky 's birthplace in Vokinsky. 1840,May 7, son of Ilya Petrovitch Tchaikvosky, an inspector of mines.
- 1850, Begins to compose. Sent to School of Jurisprudence in St. Petersburg.
- 1863,Resigns his post at the Ministry of Justice in order to devote all his time to music study (Theory under Zaremba; orchestration under Anton Rubinstein).
1869,Begins Romeo and Juliet fantasy-overture, on a scheme suggested by Balakirev.
1874,Composes Piano Concerto in B Flat .
1876,Begins correspondence with Nadezhda Filaretovna von Meck.
- 1877,Begins Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, dedicated later to Mme. von Meck. Also begins opera Eugene Oniegin.
- Marries but separates from Anotonina Ivanovna Milyukov. Mme. von Meck settles on him an annuity of 6,000 roubles.
- 1879,Eugenen Oniegin performed in Moscow (March 29).
1887,Makes his first appearance as concert conductor, at St. Petersburg, in a program of his own works.- 1888,Makes a highly successful international concert tour as conductor, meeting at Leipzig
Brahms, Grieg and others, at Prague Dvorak, at Paris Gounod, Massenet, and Paderewski.
- Finishes his Fifth Symphony, in E Minor.
- 1890,Rupture with Nadezhda Filaretovna von Meck.
- 1893,Returns to his country house at Klin in January, and begins Symphony No.6, the "Pathetic." Goes to England in June to receive an honorary degree from Cambridge University, together with Boito, Bruch, Saint-Saens and Grieg.Sixth Symphony performed under his direction at the St. Petersburg on Oct. 28, without marked success. Tchaikovsky develops cholera and dies in St. Petersburg.
Main Works:
Opus | Title | Dates Composed | 3 | The Voyevode | 1867-68 | - | Undine | 1869 | - | The Oprichnik | 1870-72 | 24 | Vakula the Smith | 1874, 1875 | 24 | Eugenen Onegin | 1877-78 | - | The Maid of Orleans | 1878-79, 1882 | - | Mazeppa | 1881-83 | - | Tcherevichky Oxana's Caprices | 1885 | 68 | Queen of Spades | 1890 | 69 | Iolanthe | 1891 |
Opus | Title | Dates Composed | 20 | Swan Lake | 1875-76 | 66 | The Sleeping Beauty | 1875-76 | - | The Nutcracker | 1891-92 | - | Dmitri the Pretender introduction to Act 1 and Mazurka | before 1870 | 12 | Snow Maiden | 1873 | - | Melodrama for the domovoy scene in The Voyevode | 1886 | 67b | Hamlet | 1891 |
Details to link
posted by xingyan @ 3:44 AM |
Sunday, November 05, 2006 |
Saddam |
每年的11月5日,盖伊·福克斯之夜(大篝火之夜),用于纪念1605年的火药阴谋。 火药阴谋,一群英格兰天主教(即罗马天主教会,基督教分支,第一位主教据说是圣伯多禄,罗马教皇现仍是梵蒂冈的元首)极端分子试图炸掉英国国会大厦,并杀掉其中正在进行国会开幕典礼的国王詹姆士一世及其家人和大部分新教贵族的一次并不成功计划。
此阴谋故事在民间的歌谣, Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot, I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, 'twas his intent to blow up the King and the Parliament. Three score barrels of powder below, Poor old England to overthrow: By God's providence he was catchup's With a dark lantern and burning match. Hollow boys, hollow boys, make the bells ring. Hollow boys, hollow boys, God save the King! Hip hip hooray!
1981年美国漫画家Alan Moore以盖伊的故事为蓝本,创造了漫画小说《V For Vendetta》。也就是放映没多久的《V字仇杀队》。
Details 1.天主教教义:Catechism of Catholic Church 2.弥撒(天主教圣事)仪式: (1).进堂 (2).圣道礼仪,诵读圣经,神父讲道 (3).圣祭礼仪,受领圣体圣血,即饼干与葡萄酒,吃了后与耶稣同在。 (4).领圣体礼 (5).礼毕
3.徐光启(明朝末年)为中国第一位天主教徒,教名Paul,曾与耶稣会士利玛窦合作翻译了《几何原本》前6卷,自己著有《农政全书》。1641年归葬上海,墓地附近形成村落,也就是现在的徐家汇。 4.1607年,天主教传入上海之始。
posted by xingyan @ 2:59 AM |
Friday, November 03, 2006 |
百科全书 |
哥伦布,1492年10月12日,美洲大陆。 梁实秋,雅舍。 吴作人,画家。 蓝田猿人,旧石器时代。 钶钽铁矿。 黄道十二宫。天球。 中秋,宋朝。
posted by xingyan @ 10:30 PM |
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